Designed By
Crafts By Starlight
Cute Lap Blanket! Easy, simple, yet elegant. Great blankets for beginners. This Pink N’Grey Afghan measures about 58×38” and is made with Wool-ease lion brand yarn. This makes it light yet warm for the upcoming winter season.
Materials: Wool-Ease yarn colors: 1 skein Rose Heather, 2 Skeins blush heather, 8 skeins Grey Heather and a size J crochet hook.
This simple shell pattern is made from multiples of 6 + 3 +1 in case
CC = Change Color
SP(S) = Space(s)
SL = Slip Stitch
CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
Shell = 5 DC in next sp
Base- Grey Heather: Ch 154
Row 1: 2 Dc in 4th CH from hook, * Sk 2 sps, SC, Sk 2 sps, Shell, Rep from * across to last 6 sts, SK 2 sps, SC, Sk 2sps, 3 Dc in last sp, Ch 3, turn.
Row2: Sk 3 sps, * SC in SC sp, Ch 2, Sk 2 sps, SC in middle SC sp in shell, CH 2, SK 2 sps, rep from * across, Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: SC, * SK Ch 2 sp, Shell in SC sp, Sk Ch 2 sp, SC in SC sp, Rep from * across, end with SC in last sp, Ch 3, turn.
Row 4: Sk 3 sp * SC in middle DC in Shell, Ch 2, Sk 2 sps, SC, Sk 2 sps, rep from * across ending with SC in last sp, CH 3, turn.
Row 5: 2 Dc in 1st sp, * Sk CH 2 sp, SC in SC sp, Sk CH 2 sp, Shell in SC sp, rep from * across to last 6 sps, Sk Ch 2 sp, Sc, Sk CH 2 sp, 3 DC in last sp, CH 3, turn.
Rep rows 2-5 and CC every 3rd Rep of row 2 to Rose Heather for just that row.
Rep until there are 10 Rose Heather Stripes and end with 5 Rows of Grey shells, End with row 4
Border- Rose heather
Row 1: DC around the perimeter of blanket, and DC 4 in the corner sps, Sl to First DC made, CC to Blush heather, Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: SC around blanket, In 4 corner sps in prev. row ( 2SC, Ch 3, 2 Sc), SL to 1st Sc made, Ch 2, turn.
Row 3: DC around blanket, In Corner Ch 3 sp (DC, CH 3, DC) SL to 1st DC made ch 1, turn.
Row 4: In corner Sps (SC, DC 7, SC), Rep the following around the blanket: *SC, SK 2 sps, In next sp (3 DC, Ch 3, 3 DC), SC 2 sps, Rep from * around, Note: at times coming near a corner you may have to squeeze in a shell or leave it out. That is up to you. All depends on how many sts you put around the perimeter in row 1.
NOTE: *For a reference I put 149 sts along the top and bottom of blanket while the sides were 180. Along the sides I put 16 sts between the pink stripes and DC on the strip itself. That way the stitches are evenly spread out.
Easy Cheesy!