Designed By
Crafts by Starlight
Super Cute! This Spring Skirt is a skirt that you kids can wear for awhile, From Size 5T to 8T. It is hand washable because of the ribbons or on delicate cycle you’ll want to take out the ribbon at the waist while washing. Try this one out!
Materials: 1 Skein of Bernat Softee Baby Yarn – Lemon, Crochet Hook sizes – D, G, and H, DMC Floss – Numbers 3346, 3348, 3854, Ribbon 4.76 mm- Colors blue and Brown, Ribbon 1” – Multicolored ribbon of Blue Green Orange, Size H hook, Tapestry needle, Sewing Needle, Thread, three 25 mm Rings (these can be found in the Jewelry section – they are basically key rings), and Lastly 3 White 7/8” buttons.
Lemon Skirt
Base: Ch 115, SL to 1st CH made, CH 1, turn. (Make sure not to twist CH when connecting)
Rnd 1: SC around, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn.
Rnd 2: SC around, SL to 1st SC made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 3: 2 DC, *CH 1, SK 1 sp, 4 DC, Rep from * around to last 2 sts, CH 1, SK 1 sp, 1 DC, SL to 1st DC, Ch 1, turn.
Rnd 4: 1 SC, * 1 SC in Ch 1 sp, 4 SC, Rep from * around to last 3 sps, 3 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn.
Rnd 5-13: SC around, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1 turn.
Fold band in half and work Row 14 through two sts at a time.
Rnd 14: 115 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 15: SK 1st sp, *in next sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), CH 4, Sk 7 sps, In next sp (DC, CH 4, DC), CH 4, SK 7 sps, rep from * around, SL to 1st DC made, Ch 2 turn.
Rnd 16: * SK (CH 4, DC), In CH 4 sp [(TR3tog, CH 3) 3 times; TR3tog], CH 2, SK (CH 4, 3 DC), In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), CH 2, Rep from * around, SL to 1st TR made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 17: * Sk 2 DC, 1 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, Ch 2 3 DC), 1 DC, CH 3, SK(2DC, CH 2, TR), In CH 3 sp ( 2 SC) CH 3, SK TR, In CH 3 sp (2 SC), Ch 3, SK TR, In CH 3 sp (2 SC), Ch 3, Sk (TR, CH2), Rep from * around, SL to 1st DC made, Ch 2 turn.
Rnd 18: Ch 2, *SK (CH 3, 2 SC), In Ch 3 sp(2 SC), CH 3, Sk 2 SC, In Ch 3 sp (2 SC), CH 4, SK (2 SC, CH 3, 2 DC), 2 DC, In CH 2 sp ( 3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 2 DC, CH 4, SK (2 DC), Rep From * around, On last rep CH 2 instead of 4 CH, SL to 1ST CH made in this Rnd 18, CH 2 turn.
Rnd 19: *SK (CH 4, 2 DC), 3 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 3 DC, CH 4, SK (2 DC, CH 4, 2 SC), In Ch 3 sp (1 DC, CH 4, 1 DC), CH 4, Sk (2 SC), Rep from * around, SL to 1st DC made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 20: * SK (CH 4, DC), In CH 4 sp [(TR3tog, CH 3) 3 times, TR3tog], CH 2, SK (DC, CH 4, 2 DC), 4 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 4 DC, Ch 2, SK (2 DC), Rep from * around. SL to 1st TR made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 21: *SK (CH 2, 2 DC) 5 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 5 DC, CH 3, SK (2 DC, CH 2, TR), In CH 3 sp (2 SC), Ch 3, SK TR, In CH 3 sp (2 SC),CH 3, SK TR, In Ch 3 sp (2 SC), SK TR, Rep from * around, SL to 1st DC made, CH 2, Turn.
Rnd 22: * Sk (CH 3, 2 SC), In CH 3 sp ( 2 SC), CH 3, SK (2 sc), In CH 3 sp (2 SC), CH 4, Sk (2 SC, CH 3, 2 DC), 6 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3DC), 6 DC, CH 4, Sk (2 DC), Rep from *around to last 2 sps, CH 2 instead of 4, SL to 1st CH made in Rnd 22, Ch 2, turn.
Rnd 23: *SK (CH 4, 2 DC), 7 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 7 DC, CH 4, SK (2 DC, CH 4, 2 SC), In CH 3 sp (DC, CH 4, DC), CH 4, SK (2 SC) Rep from * around, SL to 1st DC, Ch 2, turn.
Rnd 24: *SK (CH 4, 1 DC), In CH 4 sp [(Tr3tog, CH 3) 3 times, TR3tog], CH 2, SK (1 DC, CH 4, 3 DC), 7 DC, In CH 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 7 DC, Ch 2, SK (3 DC), Rep from * around, SL to 1st TR made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 25: *SK (CH sp, 3 DC), 7 DC, In Ch 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, CH 3), 7 DC, CH 3, SK (3 DC, CH 2, 1 TR), In Ch 3 sp (2 SC), CH 3, SK TR, In CH 3 sp (2 SC), CH 3, SK TR, In CH 3 sp (2 SC), Sk TR, Rep from * around, SL in 1st DC made, CH 2, turn.
Rnd 26: Ch 2 *SK (CH 3, 2 SC), In CH 3 sp (2 SC), CH 3, SK 2 SC, In CH 3 sp (2 SC), CH 4, Sk ( 2 SC, CH 3, 3 DC), 7 DC, In Ch 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 7 DC, CH 4, SK ( 3 DC), Rep from *around, On last rep CH 2 instead Ch 4, SL to 1st CH made in Rnd 26, CH 2 turn.
Rnd 27: * SK (CH 4, 3 DC), 7 DC, In Ch 2 sp (3 DC, CH 2, 3 DC), 7 DC, Ch 4, Sk (3DC, CH 4, 2 DC), In CH 3 sp (DC, CH 4, DC), CH 4, Rep from * around, SL to 1st DC made, CH 1 turn.
Rnd 28: * In CH 4sp (5 SC), Sk DC, In CH 4 sp (SC, HDC, 3 DC, CH 3, 3 DC, HDC, SC), SK 1 DC, In CH 4 sp (5 SC), 10 SC, In CH 2 sp (3 SC), 10 SC, Rep from * around, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off, Hide string.
Now that you have your skirt done it is time for the finishing touches.
First – Take you 1” thick ribbon and cut it about 1 yard in length and weave it into the waist band of the skirt which is Rnd 3. You will want to sew the ends of the ribbon so they do not fray. I made my bow to tie in the back, Feel free to have your tie on the side or front.
Second – Making the Flower appliqués. Size H hook
Large Ribbon flower- In a 25 mm ring *1 SC, CH 4, Rep from * 9 times, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off hide ribbon end. (Make 2 Blue and 1 brown)
Small Ribbon Flower – CH 3, In 1st CH made 9 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off hide Ribbon.
Large leaves – DMC Floss 3348 Size D hook, (Make 3)
Base: CH 12
Rnd 1: SC, HDC, 2 DC, 3 TR, 3 DC, In next sp (3 HDC, CH 3, 3 HDC), working along backside of base CH’s: 3 DC, 3 TR, 2 DC, HDC, SC, Tie off, leave a long tail, You will use this to sew onto skirt.
Small Leaf – DMC Floss 3348 Size D hook, Make three.
Base: CH 11
Rnd 1: SC, HDC, 2 DC, 2 TR, 2 DC, SC, SL, Tie off, Leave long tail, you will use this to sew onto skirt.
Stem – DMC Floss 3346, (2 different sizes)
For the stems I have two different sizes. CH however long you need, according to your chosen layout, and you SC down you chain, tie off and leave long tail for sewing onto skirt.
How to sew on appliqué:
Lay out your arrangement how you like and pin your stems in place. Take you tapestry needle and attach to the tail ends of your appliqués. And sew your stems in place, I went up the middle.
Then arrange your leaves, attach tapestry needle to tail end and sew around the perimeters.
Then arrange you Flowers and sew them down with a regular sewing needle and thread.
Lastly Take your white buttons and sew them into the centers of the large ribbon flowers.
Now you have a Skirt you child is going to love.