Pink and White Baby Slippers

Designed by

Crafts by Starlight


Easy and Cute! This slipper is made from size “3” light yarn, I used Sensations Cuddle brand of yarn. The slipper measures 5 inches long and 2 inches wide. Such a cute project!


Materials: Sensation Cuddle yarn: Pink and White, Hook size: F and 2 white buttons.


CH = Chain

SL = Slip Stitch

SC = Single Crochet

HDC = Half Double Crochet


Base for sole (White): Ch 18:

Rnd 1: 16 SC, 3 SC in next sp, 15 SC, 2 SC in last sp, SL to SC made, Ch 1 turn.

Rnd 2: 1 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 16 SC, 2 SC in next, 1 SC, 2 SC in next, 16 SC, 2 SC in same sts as 1st sc made, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 3: 1 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 18 Sc, 2 SC in next, 1 Sc, 2 SC in next, 18 SC, 2 SC in next, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 4: 2 SC, 2 SC in next,  18 SC, 2 SC in next, 3 SC, 2 SC in next sp,  18 SC, 2 SC in next, 1 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 5: 2 SC, 2 SC in next, 10 SC, 9 HDC, 2 HDC in next 2 SPS, 2 HDC, 2 HDC in next 2 sps, 9 HDC, 10 SC, 2 SC in next, 2 SC, Sl to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn.

Rnd 6: 14 SC, 9 HDC, 2 HDC in next sp, 1 HDC, 2 HDC in next, 4 HDC, 2 HDC in next sp, 1 HDC, 2 HDC in next, 9 HDC, 14 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn. Tie off. (60 sts)

Rep – Base to Rnd 6 for second sole for second slipper.


Body of Shoe (Pink):

Base: Ch 61

Row 1: 60 SC, Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: 2 SC in 1st sp, SC across to last sp, 2 SC in last sp, Ch 1 turn.

Row 3: Rep Row 2.


Row 4-6 (White): rep Row 2.

Row 7:2 SC in 1st sp, 3 SC, Sc2tog, 1 SC, SC 2 tog, 1 Sc, SC 2 tog, 1 SC, SC 2tog, 40 SC, SC2tog, 1 Sc, SC2tog, 1 sc, SC2tog, 1 SC, SC2tog, 3 SC, 2 Sc in last sp, Ch 1, turn.

Row 8: 2 Sc in 1st sp, 4 SC, SC2tog, 1 SC, Sc2tog, 1 SC, SC2tog, 38 SC, SC2tog, 1 SC, SC2tog, 1 SC, SC2tog, 4 SC, 2 SC in last sp, Ch 1, turn.

Row 9: 2 SC, Sk 1 sp, *4 DC in next sp, Sk 1 sp, 1 Sc, Sk 1 sp, Rep from * 2 times, 34 SC, Sk 1 sp, * 4 DC in next sp, Sk 1 sp, 1 SC, Sk 1 sp, rep from * 2 times, 2 SC , Tie off and hide string.


Make one more Body for 2nd slipper.


Fold body and sole in half to find middle, Line up the body middle to the back middle of the sole and pin together.  Take the first and last Scs in the 1st  row and pin to the Front middle of the sole. Bend down the sides of the body to lie against the sole also.

SC around the Sole attaching the body to the sole. You will go through 3 layers around the toe of the shoe and through 2 layers around the rest.


Strap: White


With Toe facing outward attach string to right side of shoe ¾ of the way to the heal of slipper then do the following:


Ch 18, Sc in 7th Ch from hook, Sc in each Ch sp, Sc in next SC on slipper, 1 SC, 1 SL, Tie off and hid string.


Sew on white button on opposite end of strap toward toe of slipper.

Baby Slipper Pattern