Christmas Angel Pattern

Designed By

Crafts by Starlight


Materials: Size 10; Red, Green, and white Thread. Hook Size 1.8 mm, and Fabric Stiffener.


Ch = Chain

SL = Slip Crochet

SC = Single Crochet

HDC= Half Double Crochet

DC = Double Crochet

TR = Treble Crochet

R = Red Thread

G= Green Thread

W= White Thread



R-Base: Ch 9.

Row 1: 8 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 2: *SC, Ch 3, Rep across from, Ch 1, Turn.

G-Row 3: SC across in sc sps, CH 1, Turn.

Row 4-5: 8 SC, Ch 1, turn.

Row 6: 1 SC, Dec 1, 4 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 7: 6 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

R-Row 8: *1 SC, Ch 3, Rep across from *, end with SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 9: SC across in SC sps, CH 1, turn.

G-Row 10: 6 SC across, CH 1, Turn.

Row 11: * 1 SC, CH 3, Rep across from *, CH 1, Turn.

Row 12: * 6 SC in CH 3 sp, SL in next SC sp, Rep across from * SC in last sp, CH 1, Turn.

Row 13: CH 6, SC in 7th SC (not CH) from hook, *CH 5, SK 5 sps, 1 SC in next SC, Rep 2 times from *, CH 6, SK 6 SC sps, 1 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 14: 4 SC in CH 6 sp, * Ch 3, 1 SC in next CH SP, Rep 2 times from *, Ch 3, 4 SC in next sp, CH 1, Turn.

Row 15: SC in 2nd sc from hook, SC, *6 SC in CH 6 sp, SL in SC, Rep 2 times from *, 6 SC in CH 3 sp, 1 SC, SL, CH 1, turn.

Row 16: SC in 2nd SC from hook, CH 3, SK 2 sps, 1 SC, * CH 5, Sk 5 sps, 1 SC, Rep 2 times from *, CH 3, SK 4 sp, SL in last SC, CH 1, Turn.

Row 17: In CH 3 SP (1 SC, CH 3 and rep 5 times), * In CH 5 sp (1 SC, CH 3, Rep 7 times) repeat from * 2 times, In Ch 3 sp (1 SC, Ch 3, Rep 5 times) tie off.



W – Base: Ch 7, Sl to 1st CH made, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 1: In CH sp (5 SC, 3 HDC, 1 DC, CH 3, 1 DC, 3 HDC, 5 SC,) SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 2: 6 SC, 4 HDC, in CH 3 sp (3 DC, 1 TR, CH 3, 1 TR, 3 DC), 4 HDC, 6 SC, Sl to 1st sc made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 3: 13 SC, in CH 3 sp (5 SC, CH 2, 5 SC), 13 SC, SL to 1st sc made. Tie off

Repeat Wing 1 more time.



W – Base: Ch 12, SL to 1st CH, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 1: 30 SC in CH 12 sp, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 2: SC around, Ch 20, Sl in 18th CH from hook. Tie off.


Take all four separate pieces and stiffen with Fabric stiffener and let dry. Take two wings and arrange them touching together at the base and glue the base/bottom of the head on the top part of wings as seen in picture. Then place Christmas Dress on top of the base of wings and glue down. Now you are finished!

Angel Ornament