Diamond Table Runner

Designed By

Crafts by Starlight


Fun and Easy Table Runner! This runner measures about 31 inches long and 4 ½ inches wide.  This crochet runner is easily adjustable to fit your needs. It is made from Aunt Lydia’s Bamboo blend – Size 10 Thread.


Materials: Aunt Lydia’s Bamboo Crochet thread – Still Pool and Mushroom (2 Spools), Hook Size 1.5.


CH = Chain

SL = Slip Stitch

SC = Single Crochet

DC = Double Crochet

SK = skip

Sp(s) = space(s)


Blue Square(Still Pool):  Quantity needed – 7.

Base: Ch 7, SL to 1st CH made, Ch 1, turn.

Rnd 1: In Ch 7 sp * 2 SC, Ch 2, Rep from * 3 more times, Sl to 1st SC made, Ch 2, turn.

Rnd 2: In each Ch 2 sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC) SL to 1st DC made, Ch 1 turn.

Rnd 3: 2 DC, * In Ch 2 Sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 4 DC, rep 2 times, In CH 2 sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 1 DC, SL to 1st DC made, CH 4, turn.

Rnd 4: Sk 2 sps, 1 DC, *In Ch 2 Sp (2 DC, CH2, 2 DC), 1 DC, Ch 2, Sk 2 sps, 2 DC, CH 2, Sk 2 sps, 1 DC, Rep fron * 2 times, In CH 2 sp (2 DC, Ch 2, 2 DC), 1 DC, CH 2, Sk 2 sps, 1 DC, Sl to 1st DC made, Ch 2 turn.

Rnd 5: 1 DC,  1 DC in CH 2 sp, Ch 2, Sk res of CH sp and DC, 2 DC, * In corner CH 2 sp ( 2 DC, Ch 2, 2 DC), 2 DC, Ch 2, Sk 2 sps, 1 DC in Ch 2 sp, 2 DC, 1 DC in Ch 2 sp, Ch 2, Sk rest of CH 2 sp and DC, 2 DC, Rep from * 2 times, In Corner Ch 2 sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 2 DC, CH 2, Sk DC sp, 1 DC in CH 2 sp, SL to 1st DC made, CH 2, turn.

Rnd 6: 1 DC, 1 DC in CH 2 sp, CH 2, Sk rest of Ch 2 sp and DC sp, 3 DC, * In corner Ch 2 sp ( 2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 3 DC, CH 2, SK  Dc sp, 1 DC in CH 2 sp, 4 DC, 1 Dc in CH 2 sp, CH 2, Sk rest of Ch 2 sp and DC sp, 3 DC, Rep from * 2 times, In corner CH 2 sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 2 DC, CH 2, SK DC sp, 1 DC in CH 2 sp, 2 DC, SL to 1st Dc made, CH 2, turn.

Rnd 7: 3 DC, 1 DC in CH 2 sp, CH 2, Sk rest of Ch 2 sp and DC sp, 4 DC, *In corner CH 2 sp (2 DC, CH 2, 2 DC), 4 DC, CH 2, Sk DC sp, 1 Dc in CH 2 sp, 6 Dc, 1 Dc in ch 2 sp, CH 2, Sk rest of Ch 2 sp and DC sp, 4 DC, Rep from * 2 times, In corner CH 2 sps (2 Dc, Ch 2, 2 Dc), 4 Dc, Ch 2, SK Dc sp, 1 Dc in CH 2 sp, 2 Dc, Sl to 1st Dc made, Ch 1,turn.

Rnd 8: SC around motif, 3 SC in each corner ch 2 sps, SL to 1st SC made, tie off and hide string.


Tan (mushroom): 14 needed motifs

Repeat same motifs for tan squares.


Connecting Motifs

Connect Motifs any way you choose in given Diamond Checkered pattern.


How I Connected my Runner:


Row 1:(Motif A)1 blue and (Motif B)1 tan square

Connect by placing right sides tog and connect tan thread to right corner of Motif A, CH 3, SC in right corner of motif B then  do the following:

*Motif A: CH 3, Sk 1 sp, 1 SC

Motif B: Ch 3, Sk 1 sp, 1 SC,

Rep from * until end is reached, make sure to SC in each ending corner.

Rep this row 1 more time for each end of runner.


Row 2: (Motif A)1 tan,(Motif B) 1 blue,(Motif C) 1 tan.

Connect by attatching thread to right corner of Motif A: Ch 3, and SC in right corner of Motif B. then do the following:

*Motif A: CH 3, sk 1 sp, 1 SC,

Motif B: Ch 3, SK 1 sp, 1 SC,

Rep from * until end is reached, make sure to SC in each ending corner.

Put Motif B and C together with right sides together. Attach thread to right corner of Motif C, CH 3 and SC in right corner of Motif B, then do the following

*Motif C: Ch 3, Sk 1 sp, 1 SC,

Motif B: Ch 3, SK 1 sp, 1 SC,

Rep from * until end is reached, make sure to SC in each ending corner.

Rep this Row 4 more times, this is the middle part of runner.


Join the rows in like manner as shown in the given picture.


After all the motifs are join together

Rnd 1: SC around the runner in like colors. Make sure to SC 3 times in one sp for the corner sps and connect the tan motifs by the corners also.

Rnd 2: In like colors round the runner:  *1 SC, Sk 1 sp, 3 Dc in next sp, Sk 1 sp, rep from * around the entire runner. Sl to 1st SC made, tie off and hide string.

Diamond Table Runner