Designed by
Crafts by Starlight
Kitchen Scrubbers are always so nice to have around the house! It is made out of Sugar n’ Cream Yarn. Pick any color you desire.
Materials: Sugar n’ Cream yarn, Size H Crochet Hook, Needle and thread.
SL = Slip Stitch
SC = Single Crochet
SC2tog = Single Crochet 2 stitches together
SK = skip
Sp = Space
Base: CH 2
Rnd 1: 7 SC in 1st CH sp made, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1 turn.
Rnd 2: SC, *Ch 5, 2 SC in next sp, Rep from * around, end with CH 5, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, turn.
Rnd 3: * SK CH 5 sp, 2 SC in next sp, SC, Rep from * around, End with SK CH 5 sp, SL to 1st sc made, Ch 1, turn.
Rnd 4: * SC, CH 5, SC, CH 5, 2 SC in next sp, CH 5, Rep from * around, end with: SC , CH 5, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1 turn.
Rnd 5: *Sk CH 5 sp, sc, Sk Ch 5 sp, 2 SC, Sk CH 5 sp, SC, Rep from * around, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn.
Rnd 6: SC around, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1 turn.
Rnd 7-8: * SC, SC2tog, rep from * around, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, turn.
Rnd 9: SC, *SC2tog, rep from * around, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off, leave long tail.
Take tail and weave in and out of Rnd 9 pull string to shut the opening, tie off and hide string.
Base: Ch 5
Row 1-12: 4 SC, CH 1 turn.
Row 13: 4 SC, tie off and leave tail.
Take tail and with darning needle sew the end down to the scrubber’s top
Sew the other side down as well.