Barry the Bear

Designed by

Crafts by Starlight


Materials:  Spa Yarn color: Ocean Spray and Berry Frappe, One skein Each, Black yarn for the bear’s face, Hook Size: F, Darning needle, and don’t forget the Poly-fill.


Ch – Chain

SL ST – Slip Stitch

SC – Single Crochet

DC – Double Crochet


This Crochet Bear makes for great gifts and fabulous stuffing stockers for Christmas! This bear is made from different pieces that are sewed together.  It is easy and fun!

Head, Color: Ocean Spray

Base: Ch 2

Rnd 1:  10 SC in 1st Ch made, SL ST to 1st SC, CH1, Turn.

Rnd 2: *1 SC, 2 sc in next sp, rep from * to last SC, SL to 1st sc made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 3: 15 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 4: *2 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Rep from * to last SC, SL to 1st sc made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 5: * 2 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Rep From * around SL to 1st, CH 1, Turn. (26)

Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 5.

Rnd 7: 35 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 8-15: Rep Rnd 7.

Rnd 16: 2 SC, *Dec 1, 3 SC, Rep 7 times, 4 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, Turn.

Rnd 17: 2 SC, Dec 1,* 3 SC, Dec 1, Rep 4 times from *, 4 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 18: 2 SC,* Dec 1, 3 SC, Rep 3 Times, Dec 1, SC, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 19: SC around, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off.

Stuff with Poly-Fill and set aside.



Row 1: 3 SC, CH 1, Turn.

Row 2: 2 SC in 1st sp, 1 SC, 2 SC in next sp.

Row 3-4: SC across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 5: Dec 1, 3 SC, SL ST, CH 1, Turn.

Row 6: Dec 1, 2 SC, SL ST, Tie off.

Connect yarn to right side of row 1, 2 SC in every sp around ear to left side of row 1 tie off, hide string.

Repeat rows 3-6: 3 more times.


Take two motifs and sew together leaving bottoms open.  Stuff ears with Poly-Fill, and sew ears onto bears head.


Nose: With Color – Berry Frappe.

Base: CH 4

Row 1-2: 3 SC, CH 1, turn.

Row 3: 2 SC, 3 SC in next sp, 1 SC, 3 SC in next sp, 1 SC, 3 SC in next sp, 2 SC in next sp, SL ST to 1st SC made, Ch 1, turn.

Row 4-5:  SC around, SL to 1st SC, CH 1, turn.

Row 6: 4 SC, 2SC in next sp, 4 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 4 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 1 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Tie off, Leave long tail. Fill nose with Poly-Fill and Sew nose onto the bears head.


Body (front): With Color – Ocean Spray.

Base: CH 9

Row 1-3: 8 SC, CH 1, Turn.

Row 4: 2 SC in next sp, 6 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 5: 2 SC in next sp, 8 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 6: SC across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 7: 2 SC in next sp, 10 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 8: SC across, Ch 1, turn.

Row 9: 2 SC in next sp, 12 SC, 2 SC in next, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 10-18: SC across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 19: 1 SC, Dec 1, 11 SC, Dec 1, 2 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 20: 1 SC, Dec 1, 9 Sc, Dec 1, 2 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 21: 1 SC, Dec 1, 7 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, 3 SC in next sp (corner), 19 SC along side, 3 SC in next sp (corner), 6 SC, 3 SC in next sp (corner), 19 SC, 2 SC in next sp (corner), SL to 1st Sc made, tie off.


Body (Back): Color – Ocean Spray

Base: Ch 9

Row 1 -3: 8 SC across, CH 1, Turn.

Row 4: 2 SC in next sp, 6 SC, 2 SC in next sp, CH 1, Turn.

Row 5: 2 SC in next sp, 8 SC, 2 SC in next sp, CH 1, Turn.

Row 6: SC across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 7: 2 SC in next sp, 4 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 2 SC in next sp, 4 SC, 2 SC in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 8: SC Across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 9: 2 SC  in next sp, 3 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 6 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 3 SC, 2 Sc in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 10: SC across, Ch 1, turn. (21)

Row 11: 2 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 14 SC, 2 SC in next sp, 2 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 12-18: SC across, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 19: 1 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, Dec 1, 13 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 20: 1 SC, Dec 1, 3 SC, Dec 1, 5 SC, Dec 1, 3 SC, Dec 1, 2 SC, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 21: 1 SC, Dec 1, 3 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, Dec 1, 3 SC, Dec 1, 1 SC, 3 SC in next sp (corner), 19 SC, 3 SC in next sp (corner), 6 SC, 3 SC in next sp, 19 SC, 2 SC in next sp (corner), SL to 1st SC made, tie off.

Take Front and Back body parts and sew together the right side, bottom, and left side, leaving top open. Turn the body inside out and stuff with Poly-Fill. Take the opening of both the head and body and sew together add more poly-Fill to the next before closing completely.


Arms: Color – Ocean Spray

Base: Ch 3

Row 1: 2 SC, Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: 2 SC in 1st sp, 2 SC in next sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 3: 2 Sc in 1st sp, 2 SC, 2 SC in last sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 4: 2 SC in 1st sp, 4 SC, 2 SC in last sp, Ch 1, Turn.

Row 5: 2 SC in 1st sp, 6 SC, 2 SC in last SP, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 6-10: 10 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 11: Rep row 6, Tie off and leave long tail.

Take the tail and fasten darning needle to end, Weave in and out  or Rnd 11 and pull closed.

Stuff the arm with Poly-Fill and sew onto bear with row one of arm at the neck.

Repeat arm one more time.


Legs: Color – Ocean Spray

Base: Ch 12, SL to 1st CH made, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 1-4: 12 SC, SL to 1st SC made, Ch 1 turn.

Rnd 5: 5 SC, 5 SC in next sp, 6 SC, SL to 1st SC made, CH 1, Turn.

Rns 6-8: SC around, Ch 1, Turn.

Rnd 9: SC around, Tie off with long tail.

Take tail and weave in and out of Rnd 9 SC, pull Closed.

Stuff leg and sew on bear as if sitting down.

Repeat leg one time.


Tail: Color – Berry Frappe

Base: Ch 2

Rnd 1: 10 SC in 1st Ch made. Tie off, hide strings, and attach tail to hind end.


Finish by taking a darning needle take black yarn and Sew two eyes and a nose onto the face of the bear. Take the Berry Frappe yarn and tie a bowtie to the bear’s neck. Hide all Stings and Give Away to someone! Or keep it because it is too cute.


Barry the Bear