Designed By
Crafts by Starlight
This shawl is made from 2 different Stitches I found in a Leisure Arts book, One is called “Leaf and Trellis” the other is “Diamonds. So credit goes to them for the stitches that I have used here. The shawl is split into three panels which I have named “A”, “B”, and “C” for the sake of understanding the pattern.
Materials: Caron Spa Yarn –Color: Naturally Needle size: 4 mm
Cast on 123 sts
Row 1: P43, PM, P37, PM, P43
Row 2 Part A: K4; * (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K2, SL 1, K1, PSSO, K8, Rep from * one time, K3, SM
Part B: K4; * K2tog, YO, K1, YO, K2tog, K3; Rep from * to 1 sts before marker, K1, SM
Part C: Rep Part A.
Row 3 and All Odd Rows: K1, P to across to last st, K1.
Row 4 Part A: K4; *YO, K1, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K2, SL 1, K1, PSSO, K5, K2tog, Rep from * 1 time, K3, SM
Part B: K3; *K2tog, YO, K3, YO, K2tog, K1, rep from * across to last 2 sts before marker, K2, SM
Part C: Repeat Part A
Row 6 Part A: K4; * YO, K3, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K2, SL, K1, PSSO, K3, K2tog, Rep from * 1 time, K3, SM
Part B: K2; K2tog; *YO, K5, YO, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, Rep from * across to last 4 sts before marker, YO. K2tog, K2
Part C: Rep Part A.
Row 8 Part A: K4, *YO, K5, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K2, SL 1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2tog, Rep from * 1 time, K3, SM
Part B: K3; *YO, K2tog, K3, K2tog, YO, K1, Rep from * across to last 2 sts before marker, K2
Part C: Rep Part A
Row 10 Part A: K4; * YO, K7, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K2, SL 2, K1, P2SSO, Rep from * 1 time, K3, SM
Part B: K4; *YO, K2tog, K1, K2tog, YO, K3, Rep from * to 1 sts before marker, K1, SM
Part C: Rep Part A.
Row 12 Part A: K1; * SL 1, K1, PSSO, K5, K2tog, K2, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K1, YO, K2, Rep from * 1 time, K2, SM
Part B: K5; * YO, SL 1, K2tog, PSSO, YO, K5, Rep from * to next marker, SM
Part C: Rep Part A
Row 14 Part A: K1; *SL 1, K 1, PSSO, K3, K2tog, K2, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K3, YO, K2, Rep from * 1 time, K2, SM
Part B: Rep Row 2, Part B
Part C: Rep Part A.
Row 16 Part A: K1; *SL, K1, PSSO, K1, K2tog, K2, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K5, YO, K2, Rep from * 1 time, K2, SM
Part B: Rep Row 4, Part B
Part C: Rep Part A.
Row 18 Part A: K1; * SL 2, K1, P2SSO, K2, (YO, K2tog) 3 times, YO, K7, YO, K2, Rep 1 time from *, K2, SM
Part B: Rep Row 6, part B
Part C: Rep A
Row 20:Rep Row 4 A
Rep Row 8 B
Rep Row 4 A
Row 22: Rep Row 6 A
Rep Row 10 B
Rep Row 6 A
Row 24: Rep Row 8 A
Rep Row 12B
Rep Row 8 A
Row 26: Rep Row 10 A
Rep Row 2 B
Rep Row 10 A
Row 28: Rep Row 12 A
Rep Row 4 B
Rep Row 12 A
Row 30: Rep Row 14 A
Rep Row 6 B
Rep Row 14 A
Row 32: Rep Row 16 A
Rep Row 8 B
Rep Row 16 A
Row 34: Rep Row 18 A
Rep Row 10 B
Rep Row 18 A
Row 36: Rep Row 4 A
Rep Row 12 B
Rep Row 4 A
Row 38: Rep Row 6 A
Rep Row 2 B
Rep Row 6 A
Row 40: Rep Row 8 A
Rep Row 4 B
Rep Row 8 A
Row 42: Rep Row 10 A
Rep Row 6 B
Rep Row 10 A
Row 44: Rep Row 12 A
Rep Row 8 B
Rep Row 12 A
Row 46: Rep Row 14 A
Rep Row 10 B
Rep Row 14 A
Row 48: Rep Row 16 A
Rep Row 12 B
Rep Row 16 A
Row 50: Rep Row 18 A
Rep Row 2 B
Rep Row 18 A
Rep Rows 4-50 Until Desired length is acquired.