Designed by
Crafts by Starlight
Angry Bird Halloween Bag! Great for toddlers for Halloween! The opening is small enough to put in the candy but when they run and swing it around the candy will not fall out. Plus it is super cute!
Materials: Caron Simply Soft Yarn: Black , Grey Heather, Sunshine(yellow), Red,four-4 MM Knitting sock needles, and circular 4mm needles (optional: if the sock needles become too small for number of sts then switch back to sock needles as you dec) 2 googly eyes, hot glue gun and Crochet hook size H.
Inc= Increase by K in Front and Back loops.
Dec= Knitting two stitches together.
SM = Slip Marker
CC =Change Color
Cast on 10 sts then separate equally onto 3 Sock Needles and Place a marker to show where the beginning is
Rnd 1: Inc in east st around Always SM. (20)
Rnd 2 and all even rnds unless otherwise indicated: K around.
Rnd 3:*Inc, K1, Rep from * around. (30)
Rnd 5-9: Rep Rnd 3. (45)(68)(91)
Rnd 11: (Inc,K3)twice, CC to Grey, *Inc, K3, rep from * to last 8 sts, CC to Black, (Inc, K3)twice. (112)
Rnd 12: K20, CC to Grey, K72, CC to Black, K20. (112)
Rnd 13: (Inc, K4) 6 times, CC to Grey, (Inc, K4)10 times, Inc, K1, CC to Black, (inc, K2)6 times. (135)
Rnd 14: K46, CC to grey, K43, CC to black, K46. (135)
Rnd 15: K57, CC to grey, K21, CC to black, K57. (135)
Rnd 16-20: K around. (135)
Rnd 21:* Inc, K8, Rep from * around. (150)
Rnd 22-32: K around. (150)
Rnd 33:*dec, K8, Rep from * around. (135)
Rnd 34-40: K around. (135)
Rnd 41:* Dec, K4, Rep from * around.
Rnd 43: *Dec, K3, Rep from * around.
Rnd 45: *Dec, K2, Rep from * around.
Rnd 47: *Dec, K2, Rep from * around.
Rnd 49: *Dec, K2, Rep from * around.
Rnd 51: *Dec, K2, Rep from * around and with K4.
Rnd 53-58(Ribbed): *K1, P1 Rep around.
Rnd 59: Cast off
Strap: Black
Cast on 8
Row 1: K8
Row 2: P8
Rep Row 1 and 2 – 14 times, CC to Yellow
Rep row 1 and 2 – 9 times, CC to Black
Rep row 1 and 2 – 14 times.
Cast off.
Take a Crochet Hook and SC around the handle with like color.
Brows:Red – make 2
Cast on 4
Row 1: K4
Row 2: P 4
Row 3-9: rep rows 1 and 2
Row 10: K2tog, K2tog.
Cast off.
Beak: Yellow (sunshine)- sock needles
Cast on 42 sts onto 3 sock needles evenly
Row 1-4 and all even rows: K around.
Row5:*K5 K2tog, Rep from * around,
Row 7:*K4, K2tog, Rep from * around.
Row 9:*K3, K2tog, Rep from * around.
Rnd 11: *K2, K2tog, Rep from * around.
Rnd 13: K around.
Rnd 14:*K1, K2tog, rep from * around.
Rnd 15: K around.
Rnd 17:*k2tog, Rep from * around.
Rnd 19: cast off. Leave tail to sea onto bag.
Eyes: Grey –make two
Cast on 6
Row 1: P6.
Row 2: Inc, K4, Inc.
Row 3: P8
Row 4: Inc, K6, Inc.
Row 5: P10
Row 6:K10
Row 7: P10
Row 8: K10
Row 9: P2tog, P6, P2tog,
Row 10: K across
Row 11: P2tog, P4, P2tog
Row 12: K across
Cast off Leave tail for sewing.
Putting the Bag together: Sew with like yarn.
1st: Stuff the birds beak and sew onto front of bag.
2nd: Sew on the Grey patches that go under the eyes
3rd: Take the Straps and sew the two ends to each side of the opening.
4th: With Glue gun. Glue the googly eyes onto the grey circles from 2nd step.
5Th: Lastly sew the eyebrows above the eyes like shown.