
Designed by

 Craft by Starlight


This is a simple and beautiful long sleeve Jacket. This Jacket Fits Size 2-3T. This is at a medium Level for knitters. It takes two Skeins of White Lion Brand Micro Fiber yarn. This yarn Splits easily but is soft and leaves you with a dressy look. This makes for a great top for a dress.


Materials: 2 Skeins white Lion Brand – Micro fiber yarn.  Needle Size 3.5 mm circular knitting needles, darning needle or sewing machine, and Stitch holders.


K = Knit

P = Purl

K2tog = Knit two together

P2tog = Purl two together

Sts = stitches

Inc = Increase (by knitting in front and back)


Cast on 85 sts

Row 1: K2, * P1, K1, Rep from * to last 3 sts, P1, K2.

Row 2: * K1, P1, Rep from * around.

Row 3 (right Side): *K1, P1, Rep 3 times from *, K9, Place marker, K12, Place marker, K27 place knitting marker, K12 place knitting marker, K9, *K1, P1, rep 3 times.

Row 4: * P1, K1, Rep from * 3 times, P around to last 8 sts, *K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times.

Row 5: *K1, P1, rep from * 3 times, *k to 1 st before marker, inc, Slip marker to right needle, inc, Rep from * to last 8 sts, *P1, K1 rep 3 times from *.

Row 6-16: Rep rows 4 and 5, ending with row 4.

Row 17 (Right Side):*K 1, P1, Rep from * 3 times, (take next 2 sts on left needle and turn them, make sure yarn is in back as if to knit, P2tog in back sts), *K to 1 st before marker, inc, slip marker to right needle, inc, rep from * to last 10 sts, K2tog, *P1, K1, rep from* 3 times.

Row 18- 38: Rep rows 4 and 17, ending with row 4.

Row 39 (Dividing row): *K1, P1, rep from * 3 times,  (take next 2 sts on left needle and turn them, make sure yarn is in back as if to knit, P2tog in back sts) K to marker and place left front sts onto Stitch holder, K48 across left shoulder and place sts on holder, K63 across back and place onto holder, K48 across right shoulder to marker and DO NOT place these stitches on holder, Put remaining 23 sts from right front of sweater onto holder without working these stitches  They will be worked a little later.


Working Right Sleeve

Row 1(Wrong Side): Add a loop to end of needle, P across, add loop to end of needle giving you 50 sts.

Row 2: K across

Row 3: P across

Row 4-9: rep rows 2 and 3

Row 10: K24, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K 24

Row 11: P across.

Rows 12 – 13: Rep Rows 10 and 11

Row 14: K15, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K7, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K 7, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K 15

Row 15: P across.

Rows 16 – 17: Rep rows 14 and 15

Row 18: K7, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K6, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K7, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K7, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K6, K in 2nd st on left needle then K in 1st slip them both off the left needle together, K7.

Row 19: P across.

Rep Rows 18 and 19- 17 more times, sleeve should measure 10 ½” from bottom of collar line.


Ribbed stitch:

Row 1:*K1, P1.

Repeat row 1 – 18 more times, cast off.


Left Sleeve:

Pick up 48 sts on left arm knitting holder and repeat Right Sleeve instructions and do not sew the sleeves shut yet.


Body of bolero

Take the sts on the holders and do as follows: On one end of circular knitting needles place left front sts and back sts on the needle. With other needle picking up the right front sts of sweater, outward toward armpit. You will now finish Row 39 dividing row.

On right side: K across to last 10 sts, K2tog, *P1, K1, rep 3 times. All Stitches should now be together.


Row 1 (Wrong Side): *P1, K1, Rep 3 times, P across right side, back and front left of sweater to last 8 sts, *K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times.

Row2: *K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times, (take next 2 sts on left needle and turn them, make sure yarn is in back as if to knit, P2tog in back sts), K across to last 10 sts, P2tog, *P1, K1, rep from * 3 times.

Row 3: *P1, K1, Rep 3 times, P to last 8 sts, *K1, P1, rep from * 3 times.

Row 4-5: Rep Rows 2 and 3.

Working the Bottom Border:

Row 6: *K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times, *, (take next 2 sts on left needle and turn them, make sure yarn is in back as if to knit, P2tog in back sts), rep from * once more.

Row 7: P2, *K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times.

Row 8: * K1, P1, Rep from * 3 times, (take next 2 sts on left needle and turn them, make sure yarn is in back as if to knit, P2tog in back sts), K1.

Row 9: Rep row 7

Rep row 6-9 until under left armpit.

Cast off 1 st 8 sts.


Push all sts to other end of circular needles and attach sting to wrong side.

Row 1: *P1, K1, Rep from * 3 times, P2tog, P2tog

Row 2: K2, * P1, K1, Rep from* 3 times

Row 3: K2, *P1, K1, Rep from* 3 times, P2 tog, P1

Row 4: Rep Row 2.


Repeat Rows 1-4 until there are 10 sts left on wrong side.

Cast off.


Sew arm seams and seam under armpit closed, Hide all Strings.

